R50 / W1665L050U99
R50/W1.665L050 ohne UL
Anschluss: axial mit 90° Winkel
Aktive Länge: 1.665 mm
Gesamtlänge: Aktive Länge + 70 mm
Steckerausführung: ES50/ES51/ES60/PI
Kabellänge: 5 m, inklusive Stecker
inkl. Montagematerial (Schiebemutter, Schrauben)
The Series R50/R51A discharge bars are designedfor the active discharging of
disruptive static chargeswhich develop in productionprocesses.The bars areoperated with an alternatingvoltage of 5 kV or 8 kV at50...60Hzand aredesigned for dischargingmoving surfaces.
Technical Information
Due to differences in thesurface charge profiles ondifferent materials, chargeswith both polarities areprovided by the dischargebars.The corona sectionwith its optimized geometri-cal confiquration ensuresultimate discharging
Discharging can be suppor-ted by the L50 air profile.
The advantages of the R50/R51A discharge bars:
ultimate discharge rangeand hence enhanceddepth effect
high active dischargepower through isolatedground conductors
high safety standardsthrough passive discharging power with deacti-vated power supplies
safety through functionand malfunction
flexible installation
no health hazards fromelectric shocks when
making contact with the
品牌:IDEM SAFETY 型号:IDEM LPR 110013 品名:磁性安全开关
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